Teaching Social Skills with Lego©

Service Available at Marlton & Linwood Locations

The LEGO® group concentrates on working collaboratively with peers to complete various LEGO® projects, while also teaching students to regulate emotions.The primary focus includes: flexibility, communicating effectively with others, problem solving, establishing friendships, and self-control. Emotional regulation training will be facilitated by the use of Zones of Regulation®. This program uses visual aids to help children and adolescents recognize their emotional state and also teaches relaxation and coping techniques. The combination of Zones of Regulation® and the traditional LEGO® group will directly teach socially appropriate concepts and skills while allowing the opportunity for real-time, practical application. Positive reinforcement strategies are used to promote these socially appropriate skills. In groups of 3, each child will receive are assigned a job for the project and must follow his or her job description. The group must work together to complete the LEGO® project!